NumberCheck - Videogate for SBB Cargo realized

SBB Cargo, the freight transport division of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), works on different innovation and automation topics, to make freight trains technologically fit for the future challenges on the market. The use of camera technology is set to make freight car controlling easier.

A first camera system was constructed in Spring of 2017 at the marshalling yard Limmattal. Here the complete sensor package (cameras, LED-lighting and senors) was mounted in outdoor columns.

The OCR-system NUMBERCheck by ASE identifies wagon numbers of passenger and freight wagons. Wagon control is assured by image inspection software with one employee. Long-term, the detection of damage will be automated.

We thank SBB Cargo for the assignment and are happy to have furthered the development of rail freight transport systems with NUMBERCheck.
